Thursday, October 31, 2013

October in Pictures

Here are some of the activities for the month of October.

Feast of the Guardian Angels (ECE Department)

Dress Like A Saint

Marian Interpretative

Cultural Ambience

Costume Party

Students' Nyt Out

Living Rosary

Photos courtesy of Mr. Marvin Jimenez and Mr. Jimmy Uy

Monday, October 7, 2013

Happy Teachers' Day!

The teachers were in for a simple treat as CDSA prepared a special program for them. Selected students gave their teachers a relaxing massage while they watched a movie at the AVR. Afterwards, they proceeded to the gym for a special presentation prepared by the students and organized by CDSA's school Principal, Mrs. Lennie A. Montevirgen. Flowers and gifts were given at the end of the program.

Happy Teachers' Day Ma'am and Sir!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Grade 3 First Communion 2013

Today is a very special day for the Grade 3 pupils of Colegio de Santa Ana. They received Jesus Christ in their very first Holy Communion. The Holy Mass was celebrated by CDSA's school Director, Rev. Fr. Amando Litana.

Congratulations Grade 3 pupils!

Photos courtesy of Mr. Marvin Jimenez