Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Google Classroom Orientation

For those who want a refresher on Google Classroom and Google Workspace, here is our old Orientation Video for AY 2020-2021. 

The changes from the video last year are:

1. G Suite is now called Google Workspace.
2. Your Workspace Account is personalized and uses the domain @cdsa.edu.ph (not @cdsa.org.ph). 
3. You still have plenty of cloud storage* via Google Drive. Google Mail is now functional and you may use your CDSA Workspace Account to send and receive email.
4. Your Workspace Account is active for as long as you are enrolled in CDSA. 
5. CDSA's Blog is www.taguigcdsa.blogspot.com. CDSA's website is www.cdsa.edu.ph.
6. onlinesupport@cdsa.edu.ph is no longer active. Please message your child's adviser or subject teacher for technical support.

*Previously, Google Drive for Education Accounts had unlimited storage. Now, 100TB is shared throughout the organization's accounts. That's still more than enough for school use.